Mark Motley, CAI, AARE
President & CEO
Mark T. Motley, President of Motleys Asset Disposition Group, began his career in his parent’s business at the age of 13 and obtained his Auctioneer’s License by the age of 16. Mark has held the company’s leadership position since 1988. Mark manages all aspects of the business including daily operations, budgeting, and long-range planning as well as oversight of each division’s major projects. Corporate Divisions include Motleys Richmond Auto Auction, SVN Motleys Commercial, Motleys Real Estate, Fortis Foreclosure Services, Motleys Industrial and Motleys Logistic Systems, providing Sales, Brokerage, Evaluations and Warehousing Services.
Mark attended Virginia Commonwealth University for four years studying Art, Business Administration and Management. He is a graduate of the Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI), awarded through the University of Indiana. He also holds the designation of Accredited Auctioneer of Real Estate (AARE) and is an approved expert witness for various Federal courts. In 2004, Governor Mark Warner appointed Mark to the Auctioneers Board of the Commonwealth of Virginia where he served as Chairman.
Mark is an avid outdoorsman, sailboat captain and helicopter pilot. He supports numerous charities and is a Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow.